Jellyfish Aquarium

Jellyfish Aquarium

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ranka Lee snow version

During the previous event, 
i cosplayed as Ranka Lee Seikan Hikou snow version.
Finally my pictures are out =D
here is some of the pictures i liked

Thx Moon art studio for having a small section photoshoot with me ^^
check out more of his artwork on Devianart
or for facebook users, this is his page

also from another photographer

Thx razrig for the photos

Ranka Lee is a character from Macross Frontier.
She is a very cheerful character and very lolita
I really love her character so i cosplyed as her.
at the beginning i never thought of cosplaying as her
but ever since the movie was released, i love her more than before
so i tried to cosplay as her.

The 1st version i cosplayed as Ranka is Seikan Hikou
is the previous post version.
Seikan Hikou is one of my favourite song
later i found the snow version for this song and so i custom made  this costume
i really love the costume so much, is pure white with blue, the ribbons all fit in place 
the overall is sooooo perfect.. LOVE IT!